Wednesday, August 12, 2009

who i am...

I can be serious and silly, self-confident and self-conscious, have days when I’m beautiful and days when I’m not. I’m extroverted and shy, stubborn and open minded, intelligent about some things and an idiot about others. I’m both high and low maintenance, high and low brow, have direction in my life and relish in being lost. I’m perfect and immensely flawed. I’ll be a different person a year from now as the person I was a year ago. Enjoy the wonder of it all!!!!!

and I heart NYC

This afternoon was one for the least it was for me.

I walked out the door at 4pm craving a cheeseburger..then after said CB remembered that I had a free session @ the acupuncturist...and of course I opted for the discounted 30 min massage afterwards. Relaxed and feeling almost stoned really..... I found myself strolling around this fabulous city for hours exploring new streets (I always try to walk down streets I've never walked down) and shops (found a fabulous new thrift store). Next I stumbled into the movie Julie & Julia (fabulous)...and am now home having English Bfast decaf tea w milk and reading my book. I heart can be alone but not lonely.

Upon entering my sweltering hot apartment, I stripped down to my pj's and realized that my skirt was shirt was navy blue and I had a white tank top on underneath...and this made me giggle as my painting instructor @ SVA told me that I tend to paint in whatever colors I am wearing. I just happened to be wearing le couleurs de le flag francoise and happened to go and see a movie about Julia Child!

My teacher also mentioned that day if you were to look at my paintings, you would really have an idea of who I am and what I was feeling. "People wear their hearts on their sleeves - you put it on your canvases". Shortly after that 2 of my friends 'admitted' to me that they didn't really care much for my art - which is fine and dandy - I paint abstract - most people don't get it. But it made me chuckle a I scratched my head and thought - does that mean they don't like me (after what my professor said). Ok tangent. And I still love them (even though they don't love all of me)

Even last night was great here in NYC...I had a meeting with my writing partner...then flirted with the Scottish bartender, Craig - aka '$5 dollars'. He had a ring on his right finger...and I asked him if he was married.

He informed me "NO that's the other finger".
I retorted "not in all countries"
"Yes - the left hand is universal"
"no - I don't think in Germany and some other places...maybe Spain".
He then took tallied the opinion of the bar - which said that the left hand is universal.
I said "fine you're right"
Knowing that they weren't and within moments I would have the answer. I quickly sent a text to all my married friends with kids - who are having their post kids in bed cocktail - who would love to be my walking encyclopedia. Unfortunately I missed the texts as they were delayed. When I got home - I had 6 texts along with the wikipedia email of the 'list' of countries who wear their wedding rings on their right hands. I printed the list and walked it around the corner and handed it to Mr $5 Dollars. He thought it was a love note at first - so I made him open it up as I stood there waiting. He looked up in disbelief and started laughing....I curtseyed and sashayed my ever so right ass on home. I heart NYC!! And OH just in case you were wondering....
Countries such as Colombia, Haiti, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Norway, Peru,
Poland, Russia, Spain (except in Catalonia), Macedonia, Ukraine,Venezuela and Serbia, however, it is worn on the right hand. Orthodox Christians and Eastern Europeans (except for the Romanians) also traditionally wear the wedding band on the right hand.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I love cheese...

And that's all I have to say for today.